Installation – Common Room to Common Room

On Thursday, 12th October 2017, the Lodge met for its 419th meeting to Install a new Worshipful Master for 2017-18.
A number of visitors joined us for the meeting, including four brethren from West Lancashire, the Worshipful Master of the Old Haileyburian Lodge, Secretary of the Old Chigwellian Lodge, and the incoming Master’s proposer into Masonry, W. Bro.Tony Perry.

The main business of the evening was the Lodge’s Worshipful Master, W. Bro. Derek Barrett to install his successor, W.Bro. Peter Draper – both former members of Common Room – in the Master’s Chair, which he did with calm sincerity and professionalism. The new Master then appointed the Lodge Officers for the coming year and completed the Lodge business for the evening, ending with a few thoughts on Education and Masonry.

The brethren then moved on to the East India Club to dine in happy fellowship and look forward to the next meeting in November, when a 3rd Degree ceremony will be performed.

Meeting at College – Ceremony of Passing – May 2017

On Saturday, 13th May 2017, a number of Lodge members and their ladies made their way to Crowthorne for the annual visit of the Lodge to College. The Lodge was honoured on this occasion by W.Bro. Vincent Driver, Metropolitan Grand Inspector, accompanied by his escort, W.Bro. Dennis Brown, Metropolitan Grand Deacon, as well as our Visiting Officer, W.Bro. Edward Bottomley, SLGR.
The work performed on this occasion was to “Pass” a brother, which was performed by the Worshipful Master, Derek Barrett. He was ably assisted by the Senior Deacon and W.Bro. Hew Dunn who presented the Working Tools of the Degree and finally, an excellent presentation of the Second Degree Tracing Board by W.Bro. Rory Shackleton.
After the Meeting, we repaired to “Great School” for pre-Dinner drinks and a “White Table” Dinner, which was enjoyed by all.
Perhaps the highlight of the day was to see Bro. Ben Hodges, LR., accompanied by his wife Peggy. Ben has not been able to attend the Lodge for a number of years and it was a pleasure to have them with us on this occasion.
So ended another happy and enjoyable day at College and we now look forward to the October meeting, when the next Master will be Installed for the coming year.

Ceremony of Passing – February 2017

Ceremony of Passing, February, 2017

Over the last year, we have been fortunate in having a number of young men being Initiated into our Lodge. Therefore, we have much work to do in the Lodge and to avoid long delays for the brethren wishing to make Masonic progress, we have been able to involve other Public Schools Lodges Council Lodges. They have been most helpful by undertaking to “Pass” some of our brethren at their meetings, which in turn strengthens our bonds with those Lodges and their members.
At our 417th meeting, held at Freemasons Hall, London on 9th February, one of those brethren took his next step in Masonry and was “Passed” by the Worshipful Master, Derek Barrett, assisted by his Wardens and the Senior Deacon. The brethren afterwards proceeded to the East India Club, to celebrate the occasion in the customary Lodge manner!
We now look forward to our next meeting in May, when we will be returning to College for our annual visit and to re-live old memories.

Ceremony of Initiation – November 2016

The making of a new Mason is always a joyous occasion. On Tuesday, 8th November 2016 the Old Wellingtonian Lodge welcomed a new member.
The Ceremony of Initiation was performed by the Worshipful Master, Derek Barrett. He was assisted by Worshipful Brothers Hew Dunn and Henry Hopking. The Junior Deacon, Brother Tim Novis conducted the Candidate around the Lodge in a most proficient manner.
As this meeting is the nearest to 11th November, the Lodge Roll of Honour was read by the Worshipful Master. The brethren stood in silence to remember Lodge members who made the ultimate sacrifice in the two World Wars, as well as the 1,340 Old Wellingtonians, Staff and College Servants.
The Lodge was honoured with the company of a number of guests, including both the President and Chairman of the Association of Medical University and Legal Lodges. After a most enjoyable Ceremony, the Members and Guests repaired to the East India Club, St. James’s, to entertain our new made Brother in the usual Old Wellingtonian Lodge manner!!

October 2016 Installation meeting

On Thursday, 13th October, 2016, the Lodge met for its 415th meeting to Install a new Worshipful Master for 2016-17.

The membership were joined by a number of visitors from far and wide, including the Deputy Provincial Grand Master for Yorkshire, North and East Ridings, a personal guest of the incoming Master. The Lodge was also honoured by an official visit by V.W. Bro. Philip Summers, Assistant Metropolitan Grand Master.

The main business of the evening was for the Lodge’s Worshipful Master, Matthew Saunders to Install his successor, W.Bro. Derek Barrett in the Master’s Chair, which he did in a most sincere and expert manner. The new Master then appointed the Lodge Officers for the coming year and completed the Lodge business for the evening.

The brethren then moved on to the East India Club to dine in happy fellowship and look forward to the next meeting in November, to “happy meet again”.

Initiation and Raising – Wellington College, May 2016

On the 14th May the Old Wellingtonian Lodge had our annual pilgrimage back to Wellington College by the kind permission of the new Master. The Driver Rooms (the old Art School to those more veteran Old Wellingtonians!) was our home for the afternoon. With the sounds of the 1st XI on Turf in the background the Lodge performed both Initiation and a Raising Ceremonies.

We were pleased to welcome into our number a current member of Common Room. He joins a thriving Lodge which boasts a large number of young OWs and Common Room alike. The Worshipful Master of the Lodge (W Bro Matthew Saunders – Lynedoch 98-03) was pleased to welcome members of the PSLC, local Berkshire Masons and our visiting officer W Bro Ed Bottomly to College.

After a brief tour of the newly completed Wellington Hall (known previously as Old Hall) the brethren and guests enjoyed a superb meal in Great School accompanied by W Bro Alex Stuart-Bamford’s excellent wine choices!

Old Wellingtonian Lodge – Triple Initiation

The Old Wellingtonian Lodge met on Thursday 11th February 2016 at Freemasons’ Hall, London for a rare event; a triple Ceremony of Initiation which saw three new Brethren join the Old Wellingtonian Lodge, all friends from the same year at College.

Worshipful Master Matt Saunders (L 98-03) was assisted by his Senior Warden W.Bro Derek Barrett and a guest appearance in the Junior Warden chair from W.Bro James Morgan.

Due to absences, W.Bro John Ross-Barnard happily invited his son-in-law W.Bro Dave Ingram from Coventry Foundation Lodge no. 4543 and grandson Bro Charlie Ingram of the same Lodge, to stand in as our Senior Deacon and Junior Deacon respectively. They both did a wonderful job with a very high standard of ritual in the ceremony. It was a special occasion to see three generations of the same family enjoying Masonry together!

After the initiation the brethren congratulated W. Bros John Ross-Barnard on his Masonic promotion.

The Lodge retired for very fine fare at the East India Club where Ale, Claret and Club Port were enjoyed with our new brothers well into the night.

Ceremony of Passing – November 2015

The Lodge met at Freemasons’ Hall, London for our 412th meeting. It was with great pleasure that W.Bro Saunders as Worshipful Master passed a brother to the Second Degree. He was ably assisted by his Wardens and by W.Bro Dunn acting as Senior Deacon and W.Bro Dudley assisting as Inner Guard for the evening.

The Lodge was privileged to welcome W.Bro Sabin, Metropolitan Grand Inspector, as our honoured guest. The Lodge was also very pleased to welcome a number of brethren from our mother lodge, Household Brigade No 2614 who petitioned our creation back in 1909!

The brethren stood in silence whilst the Worshipful Master read the names of those members of the Old Wellingtonian Lodge (“Heroum Filii Lodge”) who were killed in action during both the First and Second World Wars – as is our custom during our November meeting in honour of Armistice Day.

A unanimous vote was in favour for a £4,000 donation to a number of Community Charities, including Combat Stress, the Worshipful Master’s charity for the year.

It was with good cheer that the Lodge heard from W.Bro Milne that we have many new inquiries to join as members over the next few months. These will bolster what is already a thriving and happy lodge. 

After the meeting the brethren retired for a delicious festive board at the East India Club where the Club Claret was particularly well received.

Report – Installation meeting – October 2015

The Lodge met at Freemasons’ Hall, London for our annual Installation meeting on Thursday 8th October.  As the Worshipful Master was unavoidably detained, W.Bro Shackleton was the Installing Master.  W.Bro Saunders was installed into the Chair of King Solomon in a fine form. The addresses to the Master, Wardens and Brethren was expertly delivered by Bros. Birch, Ross-Barnard and Dudley.

The annual Installation meeting is where officers change duties within the Lodge.  So for many members there will be new experiences to enjoy and roles to prepare for.  It is especially enjoyable to see so many new members taking an active part within the Lodge.

After the meeting the bethren retired to Bucks Club for an excellent dinner.

PSLC Festival – Download the presentations

During our Festival, which can be read about in more detail here, we received three first class talks.  The authors have kindly provided the scripts for you to read and enjoy at your leisure. These files are in .pdf format.

  • Tim Novis’s sermon – Download Here
  • Giles Orpen-Smellie’s talk on the Battle of Waterloo – Download Here
  • Stephen Dudley’s Oration on the Duke of Wellington as a Freemason – Download Here