If you have come to this page you are probably new to masonry or just curious to learn what it is all about.
This page is designed to offer some sources of information both on this site and elsewhere, based on some broad questions:
Perhaps you are thinking becoming a Freemason?
- Are you thinking of becoming a Freemason? is a very useful starting point published by the United Grand Lodge of England
- Our Charity page gives information about the good causes we support
- Our Members page lists some of the members of our Lodge if you were looking for a familiar face or name
- The Lodge in its Centennial Year gives an overview of the profile of our members and who we are
- If you are an old boy or former pupil of a different school or a university student you might look at the list of PSLC Lodges or the Federation of Schools’ Lodges, or try the list of University lodges that are part of AMULL
- For ladies interested in Freemasonry – OW, SCR or otherwise – we would be happy to make an introduction to HFAF where there are plans afoot for a schools’ lodge
- You could email our secretary if you wanted to chat to someone about our Lodge specifically: secretary@owl3404.org
You may be an Old Wellingtonian or member of Common Room who is merely curious what this is all about?
- If you are interested in the connections between Wellington and the Lodge try this page
- Even if you are not thinking about becoming a Freemason, UGLE’s publication Are you thinking of becoming a Freemason? is a very useful starting point and answers many questions
- As a member of Common Room you may be interested to learn about the Masters who were members (Malim or Stainforth) and indeed some of the Assistant Masters or Tutors (Larmour or Kemp or Stanfield amongst many others) and this page highlights many of the links between Wellington and the Lodge
- This page gives an overview of how and why our Lodge was founded and by whom, more than a century ago
- The Lodge in its Centennial Year offers a somewhat more up to date picture of who we are today
- Then there is a page of links to relevant and we hope interesting other websites
Possibly you are researching a member of your family or other connection who was a member?
- Our tribute to members of the Lodge who gave their lives in the two world wars may be of interest
- There are lists of our Worshipful Masters and Worshipful Deputy Masters, (and even a page on why they are different)
- There is a list of the Founding Officers of our Lodge
- and then one can always browse the list of Distinguished Brethren (or members of the Lodge) under the Members tab on menu
If none of this helps or you have a specific question, please feel free to contact our secretary: secretary@owl3404.org
We hope you enjoy our website.