Major George Bryan Godfrey Faussett MBE was in the Lynedoch from 1922, before going up to Trinity College, Cambridge. He went to the City and joined Bowrings, before joining Lloyds. A TA Engineer, he joined the Welsh Guards in 1939 and stayed with them through to 1949. He was a member of the Turf.
He was a Godson of His Majesty King George V, and in 1919 he was appointed Page of Honour to His Majesty.
He wrote a biography of his father Sir Bryan Godfrey-Faussett, naval equerry to George VI, based on the numerous diaries kept by his father and published it under the title “Royal Servant Family Friend”.
He joined the Lodge in 1965 and was Master in 1968. He was initiated into Lutine Lodge No 3049, the Lodge of Lloyds of London. He also joined Athlumney Lodge No 3245 and its Chapter.
He received the MBE for his service in the Second World War ‘In recognition of gallant and distinguished services in North West Europe.’ The citation states:
‘This officer has been DAQMG at HQ 21 Army Group since Oct 43. Since Feb 44 he has been dealing with the provision, supply and repair of all tanks and ‘A’ vehicles in the force. Before the operation he also dealt with their waterproofing. Throughout this period he has shown outstanding ability and perseverance. He has never spared himself. The smooth and continuous flow of replacement tanks to the armies in the field has been largely due to his efforts. He is an officer of personality and tact, whose work has been untiring and the results produced thereby invaluable.”1
- London Gazette 1.2.1945