Ceremony of Initiation – November 2016

The making of a new Mason is always a joyous occasion. On Tuesday, 8th November 2016 the Old Wellingtonian Lodge welcomed a new member.
The Ceremony of Initiation was performed by the Worshipful Master, Derek Barrett. He was assisted by Worshipful Brothers Hew Dunn and Henry Hopking. The Junior Deacon, Brother Tim Novis conducted the Candidate around the Lodge in a most proficient manner.
As this meeting is the nearest to 11th November, the Lodge Roll of Honour was read by the Worshipful Master. The brethren stood in silence to remember Lodge members who made the ultimate sacrifice in the two World Wars, as well as the 1,340 Old Wellingtonians, Staff and College Servants.
The Lodge was honoured with the company of a number of guests, including both the President and Chairman of the Association of Medical University and Legal Lodges. After a most enjoyable Ceremony, the Members and Guests repaired to the East India Club, St. James’s, to entertain our new made Brother in the usual Old Wellingtonian Lodge manner!!

Initiation and Raising – Wellington College, May 2016

On the 14th May the Old Wellingtonian Lodge had our annual pilgrimage back to Wellington College by the kind permission of the new Master. The Driver Rooms (the old Art School to those more veteran Old Wellingtonians!) was our home for the afternoon. With the sounds of the 1st XI on Turf in the background the Lodge performed both Initiation and a Raising Ceremonies.

We were pleased to welcome into our number a current member of Common Room. He joins a thriving Lodge which boasts a large number of young OWs and Common Room alike. The Worshipful Master of the Lodge (W Bro Matthew Saunders – Lynedoch 98-03) was pleased to welcome members of the PSLC, local Berkshire Masons and our visiting officer W Bro Ed Bottomly to College.

After a brief tour of the newly completed Wellington Hall (known previously as Old Hall) the brethren and guests enjoyed a superb meal in Great School accompanied by W Bro Alex Stuart-Bamford’s excellent wine choices!

Old Wellingtonian Lodge – Triple Initiation

The Old Wellingtonian Lodge met on Thursday 11th February 2016 at Freemasons’ Hall, London for a rare event; a triple Ceremony of Initiation which saw three new Brethren join the Old Wellingtonian Lodge, all friends from the same year at College.

Worshipful Master Matt Saunders (L 98-03) was assisted by his Senior Warden W.Bro Derek Barrett and a guest appearance in the Junior Warden chair from W.Bro James Morgan.

Due to absences, W.Bro John Ross-Barnard happily invited his son-in-law W.Bro Dave Ingram from Coventry Foundation Lodge no. 4543 and grandson Bro Charlie Ingram of the same Lodge, to stand in as our Senior Deacon and Junior Deacon respectively. They both did a wonderful job with a very high standard of ritual in the ceremony. It was a special occasion to see three generations of the same family enjoying Masonry together!

After the initiation the brethren congratulated W. Bros John Ross-Barnard an Quentin Hunter on their Masonic promotions.

The Lodge retired for very fine fare at the East India Club where Ale, Claret and Club Port were enjoyed with our new brothers well into the night.

Report on meeting held on Thursday 9th February 2012

The February meeting was held at Freemasons' Hall in London’s Great Queen Street, London, WC2.

As is often for this time of year, the poor weather hampers many from attending the February meeting. However for those that managed to attend, the cold weather outside was quickly forgotten as the prospect of watching a new candidate take the first steps of his masonic career banished all winter blues.

W.Bro. Paul Haynes, whilst not a member of this lodge, has often assisted the OW lodge by standing in at the last minute for ritual or office and on this occasion he acted as Inner Guard for the meeting.

After the lodge was opened and the minutes for the last meeting approved, the Ceremony of Initiation began. It was a fine ceremony and one that will hopefully remain with the candidate for the rest of his masonic career .

Notable mentions must be made firstly to Bro Matthew Saunders, who diligently assisted the candidate during the ceremony and to WM Charles Goblet d'Alviella who delivered a faultless rendition of the Obligation. W.Bro. Rory Shackleton then confidently delivered the charge in the NE corner.  The Charge after Initiation was shared by W.Bros John Ross-Barnard and Henry Hopking. After the Ceremony of Initiation, Bro Jon Rance was presented with his Grand Lodge Certificate, again by WBro John Ross-Barnard.

After the lodge was closed, the brethren and their guests went on to dine at the Newton Arms with drinks in the bar beforehand. A wonderful evening was had by 19 members and guests that dined and it was unanimously agreed that the venue should be used again in the future.

Report on meeting held on 14th May 2011

Report for website on OWL meeting at College 14th May 2011

High-summer puts family demands on younger brethren which can limit their attendance. The OW Lodge is blessed with many younger members and several are waiting in the wings for admission. Accordingly every alternate year brethren are joined by the wives, partners and friends to enjoy ‘white-table’ masonry at College. This was not one of those years – but 2012 will be.

Twenty four brethren attended to meet in the Driver rooms. W. Bro Chris Collins acted as Junior Warden; W. Bro John Ross Barnard as Chaplain; Bro. Alex Stuart-Bamford as Junior Deacon; W. Bro. Nigel Birch as Inner Guard and W. Bro Hew Dunn as Tyler. The special dispensations to allow the meeting to be held at College were read.

The Almoner, W. Bro Jeremy Moreton-Moss presented a eulogy for W. Bro. Bill Green who had passed to the ‘Grand Lodge Above’ on 8th March. W. Bro. Bill had served as a visiting music teacher at College for many years matched by his faithful years in masonry. His pupils spoke highly of his abilities and some had turned his wise tutorage into becoming professional musicians. In addition to his teaching Bro. Bill could be heard regularly in London’s West End theatre pit orchestras, thus sadly rarely seen. It was said that he knew the scores of every one of the biggest shows by heart. He was a true professional. The brethren stood in silent tribute to him.

The Lodge saluted W. Bro. James Morgan, Grand Steward, in recognition of his new appointment.

The WM requested that W. Bro Rory Shackleton assist him by taking over the Chair of King Solomon for the duration of the Ceremony of double Initiation firstly for Mr Neil Chadda, aged 24, (Murray 99 – 04) a Client Development Manager then Mr Guy Lynch, aged 25 (Hill 99 – 02) an Asset Management Valuer both candidates proposed by W. Bro. James Milne, seconded by W. Bro. Tom Hawley. The ceremony was conducted with military precision reflecting the training the officiating brethren had received at Sandhurst and their other military disciplines.

A fine festive board followed by courtesy of College caterers.

Report on meeting held on November 26th, 2009

A total of 43 brethren met at Freemasons’ Hall in London.  This included five visiting from other Public Schools’ Lodges Council member Lodges and nine other visiting guests.  This historic occasion marked the exact date Centenary of the consecration of the Old Wellingtonian Lodge, having been consecrated on 26th November 1909.

Exemplifying the health of the Lodge membership in recent years, a ceremony of Initiation was performed.  W.Bro. Henry Hopking was the ruling Master for the ceremony, ably assisted by W.Bro. Tom Hawley.

The meeting recorded another historic moment, as HRH the Duke of Kent, KG, GCMG, GCVO, ADC, MW Grand Master and President of Wellington College was elected Permanent Worshipful Master of the Old Wellingtonian Lodge. As Grand Lodge required him to be physically installed, WM Henry Hopking proclaimed him as Honorary Worshipful Master in the meantime.

After the meeting, the members and visitors dined very well at Bucks Club.