Courtesy of Wellington College Archive
The Reverend Alwin Corden ‘Teddie” Larmour was a schoolmaster at Wellington who joined the Lodge in 1911, and was Deputy Master in 1936. He held the office of Chaplain of the Lodge for many years. He was also a Provincial Grand Chaplain.
He was initiated into Freemasonry whilst up at Trinity by Isaac Newton University Lodge No 859, the lodge of the University of Cambridge. Isaac Newton was a popular lodge among OWs with Bryant, Van Duzer, Raphael, Stoney, Stephenson, and Coles all being members. He also helped found the Lodge of Trinity, Cambridge No 5765 in 1939, becoming Master of that lodge in 1943.
He taught at Wellington from 1909 to 1943, and in the recollections of another member of the Lodge, his classroom was down by Green Quad underneath ‘Siberia’. He commanded the OTC (now CCF) for which he held the rank of Captain. He was also a Local Councillor in Berkshire.
His other great passion was philately. He was a member of the Royal Philatelic Society London, like his father and uncle before him and he edited The London Philatelist in the early forties, credited with keeping it going during the war despite the obvious issues, and even despite the print works being subject to a direct hit from enemy bombing.
He died at his home, ‘Dunroamin’, in Crowthorne in 1946.