February 2018 – 2nd degree Ceremony of Passing

An unusually large number of members of the Old Wellingtonian Lodge and their guests met at Freemasons’ Hall on 8th February. Before the ceremony of Passing, the Lodge Almoner, Worshipful Brother Jeremy Moreton-Moss, gave a eulogy to remember Brother Ben Hodges LR, who had sadly ascended to the Grand Lodge above since our last meeting.

Worshipful Brother John Ross Barnard presented, in inimitable fashion, a Grand Lodge Certificate to a member who is a fourth generation mason.

The Worshipful Master, Worshipful Brother Peter Draper (Common Room 2001-2006) then passed a brother to the 2nd degree; Worshipful Brother Moreton-Moss stepped in at the last minute to assist in the ceremony.  Worshipful Brother Charles Goblet d’Alviella gave a first presentation of the 2nd Degree Tracing Board with confidence.

The Worshipful Master congratulated the Lodge on donating £1000 to Alzheimers UK, via Picton House at College; particularly poignant for him, as his younger sister, Wendy Mitchell, has just published the first memoir written by someone who lives with dementia, “Somebody I used to know”; Worshipful Brother Nigel Birch was also able to publicise his book, “No sideshow” about the victory in the Balkans in 1918 (available on Amazon).

After the meeting 31 visitors and guests re-assembled at the East India Club for dinner, which happily coincided with Worshipful Brother James Milne celebrating thirty years as a Mason.

The next meeting will be held at Wellington College on Saturday, 12th May, and will be an Initiation.