Robert Crossman Hodgins, or Robin as he was to his friends, joined the Hill in 1921. After Wellington he qualified as a solicitor, and praised in Godalming and become the Town Clerk. He was a member of the OW Rifle Club.
He served in the Queen’s Regiment, serving as Intelligence Officer 131 Brigade in 1940, before transferring to the Royal Signals, serving in the Second World War, until ill-health forced his retirement in 1943, as a Captain.
He joined the Lodge in 1935, and was Worshipful Master in 1945. He served the Lodge for 42 years.including many years as Secretary. He was initiated into Godalming Lodge No 3811, and in time became a PPAGReg in Surrey for his service. He was also a Founder of Bargate Lodge No 5829.
He was a member of the Army & Navy.