The Old Wellingtonian Lodge forms part of the Jerusalem Lodge No 197 family of lodges, via our mother lodge, the Household Brigade Lodge No 2614.
Our sister lodge is the Lodge of Assistance No 2773.
The family tree contains a number of school lodges, including the Old Rugbeians, the Old Bedfordians, and the Old Haileyburians, all fellow PSLC members, and the Old St Edwards Lodge No 5162 and the Old Eastbournian Lodge No 4946, once PSLC Lodges, now based in the Provinces of their schools.
Other ‘affinity’ lodges in the group include the Imperial College Lodge No 4536, and the youngest lodge in the group the Lodge of Marksmen No 9755 in Norfolk, which brings together brethren with an interest in clay pigeon shooting.
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