Report for website on OWL meeting at College 14th May 2011
High-summer puts family demands on younger brethren which can limit their attendance. The OW Lodge is blessed with many younger members and several are waiting in the wings for admission. Accordingly every alternate year brethren are joined by the wives, partners and friends to enjoy ‘white-table’ masonry at College. This was not one of those years – but 2012 will be.
Twenty four brethren attended to meet in the Driver rooms. W. Bro Chris Collins acted as Junior Warden; W. Bro John Ross Barnard as Chaplain; Bro. Alex Stuart-Bamford as Junior Deacon; W. Bro. Nigel Birch as Inner Guard and W. Bro Hew Dunn as Tyler. The special dispensations to allow the meeting to be held at College were read.
The Almoner, W. Bro Jeremy Moreton-Moss presented a eulogy for W. Bro. Bill Green who had passed to the ‘Grand Lodge Above’ on 8th March. W. Bro. Bill had served as a visiting music teacher at College for many years matched by his faithful years in masonry. His pupils spoke highly of his abilities and some had turned his wise tutorage into becoming professional musicians. In addition to his teaching Bro. Bill could be heard regularly in London’s West End theatre pit orchestras, thus sadly rarely seen. It was said that he knew the scores of every one of the biggest shows by heart. He was a true professional. The brethren stood in silent tribute to him.
The Lodge saluted W. Bro. James Morgan, Grand Steward, in recognition of his new appointment.
The WM requested that W. Bro Rory Shackleton assist him by taking over the Chair of King Solomon for the duration of the Ceremony of double Initiation firstly for Mr Neil Chadda, aged 24, (Murray 99 – 04) a Client Development Manager then Mr Guy Lynch, aged 25 (Hill 99 – 02) an Asset Management Valuer both candidates proposed by W. Bro. James Milne, seconded by W. Bro. Tom Hawley. The ceremony was conducted with military precision reflecting the training the officiating brethren had received at Sandhurst and their other military disciplines.
A fine festive board followed by courtesy of College caterers.