The lodge met at Wellington College to witness the passing to the second degree of the College Chaplain Rev’d Fr. Andrew Richards. The lodge was pleased to recommend W. Bro. Christopher Collins [Hopetoun 53-57] (PPGnd Swd B Shropshire) as a joining member. We were additionally honoured by the presence of VW Bro. Sir Richard Buckley and the Deputy Provincial Grand Master for Berkshire VW Bro. John Owen, who together with six reigning masters from public schools lodges met to celebrate the achievements of the retiring (head) master for Wellington College, Hugh Monro at a dinner in his honour. He was pleased to receive donations of £700.00 each to the College Bevir fund and the St George’s Kidney Patients Association, this year’s selected charity of the master of the lodge W. Bro. Tom Hawley. Bro. Jeremy Moreton Moss was elected master and W. Bros Nigel Birch and a Past-Master treasurers for the relevant parts of the ensuing year.