Review of the February 2007 Meeting

Having welcomed Lodge Guests and Members, the Lodge was opened. Numbers attending were less than expected as a result of the heavy snow that had brought chaos to the transport system particularly for those travelling from the North and South West. We were grateful for those members who volunteered to stand in for missing Brethren, with particular thank to Bill Green who undertook Senior Warden and Robin Tillbrook who deputised for Inner Guard.

Having confirmed the minutes of the last meeting, a Ceremony of Passing was conducted and Brother Bob Bartlett was passed to the Second Degree. The Ceremony ran smoothly with excellent work being done by the Deacons: John Edwards and Henry Hopking who also gave a most excellent long version of the second degree working tools. The Worshipful Master was then called on to give the Second Degree tracing Board, which he delivered with meaning and perfection.

With the remaining reports given to the lodge, business was concluded and the Brethren and their guest retired to Beotys for a splendid festive board. This was a first visit by the Lodge and from the favourable reports fed back by the Brethren it hopefully won’t be the last. With the weather greatly improved Brethren managed to return home safely and in reasonable time.