Review of the November 2006 Meeting

The Lodge was opened by the Worshipful Master W.Bro Rory Shackleton who was pleased to welcome visitors from Grand Lodge and other Lodges.

As evidence of the continued increasing interest in Freemasonary, it was with great pleasure that the Lodge conducted a double initiation ceremony and were pleased to welcome to our ranks Peter Mackie Scollick and Simon Wilson following a successful ballot in their favour. The ceremony was excellently choreographed by the Director of Ceremonies W.Bro James Milne with both candidates going through the ceremony side by side. It was clear that much effort had been put in by the Brethren in support of the Worshipful Master to make this an excellent occasion that flowed well and was clearly enjoyed by all those present. The working tools were presented by W Bro Tom Hawley and a faultless Charge was given by Bro Henry Hopking.

W.Bro Robin Tilbrook was invested as Assistant Secretary, having been unable to attend the previous meeting. W. Bro James Milne also presented the Immediate Past Master W.Bro Jeremy Morton Moss with his Past Masters Jewel. This particular Jewel had been presented to James by W. Bro Graham Cadie and James expressed his hope that Jeremy would also have the opportunity to pass it on in the future.

The business of the evening completed the Lodge was closed and everybody adjourned for refreshments at the Kingsway Hall in good time.